Monday, November 26, 2007

How Can I help?

It’s nearing the end of my rotation in General Practice. You get the patient who is almost embarrassed because they think that they have wasted your time. The patients who expect you to unsolve the mystery of, why oh why, they enjoy cracking their knuckles! Thank you for wasting 15 minutes of my time. That is an appointment someone else needed. You also get the patient who walks in to tell you about his pregnant wife, the car he crashed, the debt that he owes and the job he is searching for. Correct me if I am wrong but that is a problem I can not solve. at this point, I can give you painkillers for you headache and sleeping tablets for your insomnia but I can not speak to the bank, shout at your boss or find you a cheap flat. I can only sympathise, and albeit that that is all a patient may need, the source of the problem is still there. some people wont face it.

In a big way it seems that we are treating peoples social habits. Smoking, obesity, alcoholism to name but a few. How would it not get to me when I see lots of money spent on treating someone who wouldn’t stop smoking or drinking. Someone who wouldn’t stop eating. Someone who wouldn’t exercise, knowing damn well that the hip pain she got is actually because of her weight. ??

I don’t want to treat symptoms I want to treat people. People don’t like being told that they can and should fix the problem. No its “you are the Doctor, You fix it”… Well I simply cant.

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